Promoting student projects
For 10 years, ECE’s Valorisation des Projets Etudiants program has enabled our students to collaborate with you on digital innovation projects, creating shared industrial and academic value. The VPE (Valorisation des Projets Etudiants) program is an Initiative d’Excellence En Formation Innovante (IDEFI) supported by the French government since 2012. This program involves almost 1,000 1st and 2nd year engineering students, divided into teams of 5 or 6 students. Each team works on a project of its choice for 6 to 7 weeks of immersion, between September and February (5 months, 2nd year) or April (7 months, 1st year). The volume of dedicated hours is approximately 1,200 cumulative hours per project, and we’re expecting around 200 projects.
Call for Projects 2022 – 2023
The ECE is launching its 2022 – 2023 call for projects to all companies wishing to propose a problem for which our students will use their energy and creativity to develop an innovative team solution using cutting-edge digital technologies.
Teams are made up of a mix of majors, and benefit from pedagogical support (Mentor) and expertise from the ECE – OMNES Education ecosystem. The projects have access to a FABLAB and are governed by a Partnership Agreement that protects the intellectual property of the data generated during the project. The depositor becomes the owner of the results of the study, with no financial compensation, and can exploit them in any way he wishes (industrialization, marketing, etc.).
This innovative teaching approach reinforces project-based learning and, beyond the academic exercise, encourages students to identify the added value of their project by taking into account the societal and socio-economic expectations surrounding the technological solution developed.

Some examples of previous projects
- New monument illumination system (Partnership – Energie & Environnement)
- Digital medical diagnostics platform for dermatology (Partnership – Information Systems)
- Robust Autonomous driving with sensors to detect traffic signs and dynamic intelligent obstacles
- Modeling and controlling SNS disaster dynamics for strategic marketing (R&D, Finance quantitative)
- ADN Hydrogène 2021 – 2022 (Partnership – Energy & Environment)
- Smart Fleet Management (Partnership – Rail networks)
- Insecta (Partnership – Information systems)
The 2022 – 2023 timetable
- June to September: companies propose topics.
- June to September: student selection.
- September to February (for 2nd year) / to April (for 1st year): period for student projects, reports and presentations.