Work-study computer training – Bachelor ECE

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Why take the ECE Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science?

Discover the advantages of a work-study program in IT

Work-linked training is an attractive option for students, enabling them to gain professional experience, finance their studies and earn their first salary.

Combining study and practical experience in the workplace

By choosing a sandwich course in IT and software engineering, you’re opting for fast, effective professionalization. Indeed, work-study programs allow you to study while working for a company. In this way, you’ll have the opportunity to apply the knowledge you’ve acquired in class to real-life situations, and come up with relevant solutions to real-life problems.

The work-study program is a complete and demanding immersion in the world of work. However, it’s also a great way to gain experience and develop employability, because the training students receive at school corresponds to market expectations and company needs.

Earn while you study

When you take an apprenticeship, you receive a salary that depends on your age and the year in which you work. The amount of remuneration may vary according to your work-study contract (apprenticeship or professionalization contract), but it is always calculated as a percentage of the minimum wage.

In short, a work-study program gives you a salary for the duration of your studies, and the same rights as employees of your host company.

Finance your studies with a work-study program

In addition to earning a salary, you won’t have to pay your tuition fees, as these are paid by the company where you complete your IT work-study program. Work-study programs enable all students to train in the field of their choice, and to envisage careers that are as exciting as they are varied.

What career opportunities are there with a sandwich course in IT?

There’s no shortage of career opportunities in the IT, digital and digital sectors. The position you will occupy during your work-study program will depend not only on the specialization you chose during your studies, but also on your personal skills and ambitions. For example, you can find out about jobs such as network project manager, IT security project manager, data scientist, software developer,app developer or web developer.

How do you choose a work-study IT course?

Many establishments offer work-study courses in IT. When it comes to choosing your course of study, the first thing to do is to make sure that the training you have chosen is recognized by the State. This is a guarantee of quality and, above all, attests to the fact that the school’s teaching corresponds to employers’ expectations. ECE’s Bachelor in Computer Science, for example, leads to the RNCP level 6 title of “Application Developer Designer”. This professional qualification guarantees that students have validated various sector-specific skills essential to the exercise of a defined profession.

You should also choose a course that matches your career plans. In many courses, you can choose to take specialization courses designed to develop your skills in a specific field. So, if you’re considering a specific job in IT, or if you’re particularly interested in a particular branch of the industry, find out which training courses can prepare you for your future career.

In your 3rd year of the ECE Bachelor program, you can choose one of the following three specializations:

What are the key skills developed during work-study IT training?

A course such as ECE’s Bachelor’s in Computer Science will enable you to acquire real expertise in cybersecurity, data or development. During your studies, you’ll learn how to design and develop user interface components and multi-layer applications in compliance with security standards.

In addition to this technical expertise, you’ll develop valuable managerial skills that will make all the difference once you’re on the job. You’ll also be studying in a fascinating multicultural environment, where you’ll acquire solid intercultural skills.

Whether at school or at work, you’ll develop your interpersonal skills and gain in autonomy, confidence and expertise.

Updated 2 January 2024