Engineering Cycle (Bac+4) – Product Engineering & Innovation Major

Engineering Cycle
4th year
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Products are the raison d’être of a company, embodying its vision, offerings and value proposition through a comprehensive approach. This approach combines the best of technology, product marketing and design.

Gérard Reus

Head of the Product Engineering & Innovation Major

Product Engineering
& Innovation Major

Understanding digital innovation through product culture.

Presentation of the Product Engineering & Innovation Major

This major prepares students for the “Product Engineer” profession, which involves inventing innovative products and services that meet user and market needs. This engineer has end-to-end responsibility for the success of the product and possesses a variety of skills that are critical to the job. This broad set of skills includes technology, user experience design, digital engineering, agile development practices, and business vision.

In addition to these basic skills, students will learn to master several roles: engineer-designer who can reflect on use in a designer-like manner while integrating technical dimensions. Engineering managers who must lead projects and multidisciplinary teams within an organization. Engineer-entrepreneurs who develop new products and disruptive technologies (deeptech) through innovation and growth processes.

The objectives of the programme

Use specific tools and methods to understand user needs.

Explore a product environment with 3D tools, prototyping platforms, and production machines.

Master all aspects of the life cycle of a product or a service.

Opening up to the latest technological innovations, particularly with quantum computing and metaverse.


This specialized curriculum quickly leads engineers to design solutions that combine cutting-edge scientific knowledge, advanced technology, and agile practices.

The first semester focuses more on products and their design. The second semester is dedicated to prototyping and development. The third relates more specifically to the dimension of service and platform architecture, while the two workshops provide an integrated exercise through the development of innovative services in a “design thinking” mode.

  • Fullstack web technologies
  • Prototyping platforms
  • Internet of Things- IoT
  • User Experience Design
  • Quantum Computing
  • Next Generation Networks
  • Mobile Programming
  • Next Generation HMI
  • Immersive experiences
  • Sustainable engineering
  • Industry 4.0 – Cloud IoT

Possible career opportunities

  • Product owner
  • Product manager
  • Business analyst
  • Innovation Project Manager
  • Full stack developer
  • Tech Lead
  • UX Designer
  • Tech consultant

The Head of the Major – Gérard Reus

Gérard REUS first held management positions in large international groups in the IT and Telecom sectors, then became a communications entrepreneur in France and the United States. Engineer and graduate with a master’s specializing in Computer Science, he favors collaborative and innovative approaches. He has strengthened his expertise through international certifications in digital, sustainable strategies as well as in agile methods, design of experiences and management 3.0. He also focuses on fostering entrepreneurship.

Discover the training in pictures


2nd year of the engineering programme (S7 and S8)

Course Hours
Web Technologies18h
Prototyping platforms30h
Internet of Things – IoT24h
UX-UI Design24h
Human Focused Design18h
Quantum Computing12h
IP Networks and Routing18h
Next Generation networks12h
Radio and mobile networks18h
3D design18h
FabLab manufacturing18h
Mobile programming18h
New generation HMI18h
Immersive experiences18h
Sustainable Engineering18h
Product Leadership18h

3rd year of the engineering programme (S9)

Course Hours
Blockchain Technology24h
Good Economy12h
UX Voice30h
Industry 4.0 – Cloud IoT24h
MLOps & DataOps18h
Micro services18h

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Updated 6 September 2024