What is an information systems expert?

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The information systems expert is a professional in charge of managing, designing and maintaining IT infrastructures. It ensures data security and solves any technical problems. In order to do their job, these professionals need to have certain qualities and skills. Discover the main missions of an information systems expert, the skills required and the training to follow.

In summary:

  • An information systems expert manages, designs and maintains IT infrastructures, ensuring data security.
  • Its missions include needs analysis, system design, data security, user training and technology watch.
  • Required qualities: in-depth knowledge of the IT landscape, analytical skills, communication skills, team spirit.
  • ECE offers an MSc in SAP Information Systems, covering programming, systems design, database management and IT project management.

What does an information systems expert do?

An information systems expert works within an organization or company. He is responsible for setting up an efficient and reliable IT system for the company. He designs and secures networks and databases. To achieve this, professionals need to master the technological landscape in order to propose high-performance solutions. It optimizes existing systems, analyzes their performance and any malfunctions, and proposes solutions.

The job of an information systems expert also involves managing projects linked to the implementation of new technologies. This professional coordinates teams, draws up action plans and monitors projects to ensure their success.

Faced with constantly evolving technologies, the information systems expert must maintain a constant competitive watch. He keeps abreast of the latest trends in information systems and database security. It assesses the relevance and reliability of technological advances and developments.

What are the main missions of an information systems expert?

  • analyze business needs: the information systems expert assesses the company’s requirements. To do this, it collects the necessary data, identifies any constraints and proposes effective solutions;
  • create the IT system: depending on the company’s needs, he participates in and is primarily responsible for designing the IT architecture. It ensures that each process complies with current safety standards and specifications;
  • securing data: the expert must implement a data security strategy and constantly monitor any threats;
  • user training: it goes without saying that users need to understand the system’s functionalities. Training is within the professional’s reach;
  • set up preventive and corrective maintenance procedures: preventive and corrective system maintenance is important to avoid potential problems. This task is entrusted to the information systems expert;
  • keep abreast of technological and IT advances: it is the expert’s responsibility to keep abreast of technological developments. Then, he has to adapt the existing system to the new developments.

What qualities and skills are essential for becoming an information systems expert?

Becoming an information systems expert requires certain human qualities and technical skills, such as :

  • in-depth knowledge of the IT landscape: the expert must master IT technologies (operating system, network and database);
  • have an analytical mind: there are many technical challenges in the field of technology. The information systems expert must be able to analyze existing systems and problems and propose solutions;
  • communication: the expert is the first person in charge of the company’s information system. He or she must have good communication skills in order to convey the necessary information;
  • team spirit: this professional works with a team to ensure integral project management.

What training should you take at ECE to become an information systems expert?

ECE offers training for those who aspire to become experts in information systems. The curriculum aims to develop the technical skills required to meet the demands of the sector.

ECE offers an MSc Expert in SAP Information Systems. Students acquire in-depth knowledge of programming, systems design, computer networks and database management. Courses include the basics of IT infrastructure management, data security, virtualization, and other subjects relevant to the profession of information systems expert.

Future experts also benefit from courses focusing on IT project management. They learn how to plan, coordinate and implement technology projects, crucial skills in the role of information systems expert. They will take part in internships to apply their knowledge in real-life professional environments, promoting a smoother transition to working life. Internships give students hands-on experience of the world of work.

At the ECE, training is handled by expert and recognized lecturers in the IT field. The courses are taught by MSc Expert SAP Information Systems staff and professors.

Updated 31 May 2024