Apply to one of the 3 ECE programs

Home » Apply to one of the 3 ECE programs

The ECE is waiting for you!
Come and apply with us!

Bachelor program

The ECE Bachelor’s degree offers you the opportunity to complete a 3-year diploma course and to specialize in the 3rd year. This Bachelor’s degree also allows for an experience in London from the second year. A great opportunity to open up to other cultures.

Grande École Engineering Program

This Engineering Programme allows students to have a personalised pathway that is unique to them. You can combine our majors and minors with our in-depth options for a better experience.

MSc Program

This training, accessible after a validated Bac+3 diploma, is aimed at candidates wishing to follow a specialized program combining sectoral knowledge, managerial know-how and technical expertise in digital engineering.

Choose your selection procedure according to your current educational background!

I am preparing my baccalaureate (or equivalent)

You are in the final year of secondary school with the aim of obtaining your baccalaureate (or equivalent international diploma)

1st year admissions to one of the programmes.


I am preparing for the Baccalauréat of the French Education System. (Parcoursup procedure)

I am preparing for a diploma equivalent to the French Baccalauréat and I am of foreign nationality


I am preparing for the Baccalauréat of the French Education System

I am preparing for a diploma equivalent to the French Baccalauréat and I am of foreign nationality

I already have my Baccalaureate

You have the Baccalaureate (or equivalent international diploma) & you are currently studying in Higher Education


Admissions in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year

I am currently studying in France and would like to continue my studies as a student

I am currently following a French course and would like to continue my studies as an apprentice


Admissions in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year

I am currently following a French course


Admissions Level
M1 and M2

I am currently following a French course


I am currently enrolled in a course outside the French education system.

I am in a preparatory class for the Grandes Écoles

You are currently enrolled in the Classe Préparatoire Grandes Écoles

MP, MP*, PC, PC*, PSI, PSI* or PT, PT* courses

1st year admission to the engineering degree.

3-year programme with student status
3-year programme with student status
100% Parisian programme under apprentice status

3-year programme with student status
– 1st year on the Lyon campus
– the following 2 years on the campus of your choice according to your chosen major*.

3-year programme with student status
– 1st year on the Lyon campus
– the following 2 years on the campus of your choice according to your chosen major*.

100% Parisian programme
– 1st year under student status
– the following 2 years as an employee (apprenticeship contract)
4 majors to choose from:
– Big Data & Analytics​
– Embedded systems, aeronautics and robotics
– Information systems, cyber security
– Connected & autonomous vehicle

You will be welcomed at the National

Service de Concours des Écoles d’Ingénieurs (SCEI Procedure)

*The majors offered by the campuses:

  • LYON : Digital Industry 100% in English
  • PARIS : Big Data & Analytics, Cloud Native Engineering, Embedded Systems, Aeronautics & Robotics, Finance & Quantitative Engineering, Information Systems & Cybersecurity, Connected Objects, Networks & Services, Health & Technology, Energy & Environment

Delayed intake

Do you want to reorient yourself?

At ECE, you have the possibility to integrate the 1st year post-bac programmes in an accelerated semester on the PARIS campus.

A way to go directly to the 2nd year from September, without losing a school year.


I am a graduate of the French Education System

I hold a foreign Baccalaureate & am a foreign national


I am a graduate of the French Education System

I hold a foreign Baccalaureate & am a foreign national

Academic Registration / Re-registration Service (CES IR)

If you have any questions about completing your academic registration or re-enrolling in the next grade: I 01 80 80 01 70

Updated 6 February 2025