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There are many opportunities in the IT, digital and digital professions. But to be qualified for any position and stand out, specific technical knowledge is required. Which computer science school should you choose and what type of specialty? We guide you in your selection.
Which computer school should I choose?
Choosing a computer science school is the first step to start your career in digital. Several training courses are available to become a developer, network or system administrator, computer engineer, or cyber security expert. It can be difficult to choose between the classic high school and university courses, engineering schools in computer science or even professional or accelerated e-learning courses. In order to obtain a recognized diploma, certain criteria are required:
- cost of training;
- teaching methods;
- the diploma(s) prepared ;
- course format;
- school location;
- the reputation of the institution and the opinions of other students.
In the IT sector, verification of the IT school’ s title or certification is essential. With the popularity of IT jobs, several institutes and schools offer different training courses. However, to be recognized by the State and companies, diplomas must be approved by the Ministry of National Education or registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications.
Why would you want to choose a computer science school?
With the growth of the IT sector, more and more candidates in a period of orientation or reconversion want to join this sector. The network professions are constantly evolving and offer many opportunities. But why choose a computer science school?
You should know that the computer industry is currently creating jobs. The sector is a guarantee of employment and opportunities. Moreover, it is also a sector in constant evolution. It develops rapidly and its evolutions are very striking. Thus, working in a network profession requires the ability to adapt.
Moreover, this sector of activity also allows you to express your talent and skills anywhere in the world, since the needs remain the same. IT is a sector of the future that is constantly recruiting and evolving.
Can we study computer science in an engineering school?
Many students are doubtful about which computer science schools to choose. Computer science can be taught in different institutions. Did you know that it is possible, for example, to train for jobs in this promising sector at an engineering school? This is also the case for theJIT. The school offers courses of study oriented towards computer science and digital technology, allowing you to specialize in a specific branch.
How many years do I have to study in computer science school?
Depending on your goal, the length of your studies in computer science school can vary from 3 to 5 years. Therefore, in order to know the length of your studies, you must first set your objective, and thus define the profession you wish to practice.
Why choose the ECE to study computer science?
Each apprentice is free to choose his or her computer science school and course. You can choose them according to your personal aptitudes, your tastes, but mainly according to your professional project.
At ECE, project-based learning is integrated throughout the curriculum. In addition, each course is accompanied by a concrete, practical case study from your first year of study. In addition, we offer an innovative pedagogy, through the realization of concrete projects in contact with companies. We also open the doors to the international market. From one semester to one year, all our engineering students will have a mandatory international experience. With many international departure destinations, you will have the chance to discover and learn in a different way and to improve your language skills.
In addition, our students can take advantage of a double competence through more than 72 double degrees in France or abroad. We also work in a rich and supervised associative life, which will develop skills around a solid experience.
Is it possible to do a work-study program while studying computer science at ECE?
Nowadays, students are interested in doing work-study programs during their studies. Your dream becomes reality at ECE. We have been offering a computer science engineering program as a work-study program since 2008. This includes an apprenticeship contract. Our school responds to a strong demand from companies who want to train engineers who are perfectly operational after their studies. The engineering curriculum under apprenticeship contract will allow you to relay periods in the company, where you will practice the teachings at school, and at the ECE where you will acquire the knowledge required for future missions in the company. In addition, the work-study program under an apprenticeship contract is offered to students with a BAC+2 or BAC+3 in DUT, BUT, Technical and Computer Science Specialties, Adaptation Technicien Supérieur, Preparatory courses, Bachelor’s degree or Professional License.
Updated 2 January 2024