- 3 year course
- Accessible Post Bac / Bac +1 / Bac +2
- Careers in IT
- Specialization in 3rd year
- Level 6 RNCP Diploma (Bac +3)


Whether you want to learn more about computer science or combine management and technology, the ECE Bachelor’s degree, with its diversity of courses, will reveal your talent for careers rich in opportunities thanks to its state-recognised diploma.

You will then be able to join a company directly or continue your studies towards a Bac+5.

Nassima NACER

Doctor in Physical Sciences and Computer Science
Director of the Bachelor’s programme

Bachelor of Computer Science

Acquire key IT skills and train for future careers in new technologies

  • Duration : 3 years
  • Intake: Back to school March 4, 2024
    or September 2024
  • Campus: Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux or Rennes
  • ECTS credits : 180
  • Study pace: Initial and work-study courses possible in the 3rd year
  • Specializations: 5 specializations in the 3rd year of the Bachelor
  • Language of instruction: French

ECE’s Bachelor’s in Computer Science acclaimed for its specializations

First in the ranking

Web and Mobile Development


First in the ranking

Cybersecurity and Networks


First in the ranking

Digital Business and Data


Our Bachelor specializations

In the 3rd year students can expand their skills with the 5 specializations offered below:

Application developer

Developing in a secure environment: application designers learn to use the appropriate programming languages to design and develop secure applications. They contribute to the success of the project in terms of satisfying user needs, ergonomics and project management. Application security is a constant concern for them.

Circuits and shields, information and security, 3d rendering. Computer digital drawing.

Cybersecurity and Network Administrator

Protecting complex systems: cybersecurity and network administrators implement, administer and secure local and cloud-based IT infrastructures. They design and implement solutions to meet evolving needs, applying industry-recognized and emerging practices. They implements and optimize supervision systems.

White humanoid hand on blurred background using digital globe hud interface 3D rendering

Data Developer (Bac+3)

Using artificial intelligence to exploit data: data and artificial intelligence developers are specialists in the development of applications that can exploit artificial intelligence. They program the collection of data from several sources for an artificial intelligence project, so as to be able to exploit and add value to them to offer new services.

CLoud server and computing, data storage and processing. Internet and technology concept.
Agile software development with developer using Kanban board framework methodology on computer. Devops team, lean project management tool for fast changes, incremental work, iterative process.

Key figures of the Bachelor in Computer Science


campuses in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Rennes




months of work experience and work placements


of English, Human Formation and Ecological Transition


of Computer Science and Technology


weeks of compulsory international mobility


employment rate at 6 months

Presentation of ECE’s Specialised Programmes

By Gérard Reus


  1. A career path tailored to the needs of companies
  2. A program based on the ECE, a highly reputed engineering school
  3. Access to Omnes Education Group resources (conferences, online courses, etc.) to broaden your skills base and develop your soft skills.
  4. An adapted curriculum enabling you to finance part of your studies (school hours adapted for a student job from the 1st year, work-study possible for the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s degree).
  5. Access to the School and Group Alumni community to expand your network
  6. A program that allows students to continue their studies after Bac+3
  7. Access to all student associations: living student life at 1000%.
  8. International experience

How to become a digital expert with our IT Bachelor’s degree

Would you like to join a 3-year post-baccalaureate professionalization program at an engineering school specializing in digital engineering?

With a 3-year Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, you’ll develop cutting-edge expertise in a wide range of IT professions in the fields of Cybersecurity, Data and Development.

From the 3rd year onwards, the course can be followed in a work-study format, enabling students to be trained quickly and effectively in a professional environment.

The result is an ECE diploma for initial students, and a RNCP-registered Professional Certification and ECE diploma for alternating students.

Acquire solid ” tech ” skills, combined with management know-how and interpersonal skills, and international and corporate experience: these are the strengths of the ECE Bachelor’s degree.
Reveal your talent and project yourself towards careers rich in opportunities.
Become an expert in the jobs that are recruiting: application developer, fullstack developer, web and mobile developer, systems and network administrator, cybersecurity administrator, artificial intelligence developer, Machine Learning developer, data developer, DevOps system administrator, cloud developer, UI designer, web integrator designer, etc.

Admission process open all year round, excluding Parcoursup.

Teaching and assessment methods

The Bachelor program is taught over three years through :

  • Lectures
  • Practical work, technical project per course
  • Half-yearly Hackathon projects

The assessment methods are :

  • Continuous controls
  • Project presentation and report writing
  • Writing and defending internship reports

These procedures are presented to learners at a course presentation amphitheater.

Bachelor’s degree in computer science

The ECE Bachelor’s degree is a 3-year course, each of which must be validated, and enables students to acquire 60 ECTS credits divided into two semesters.

It offers short, professional training courses in Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon and Rennes.

The first two years are a core curriculum, with international mobility in the 2nd year and a choice of 5 specializations in the 3rd year.

The program is offered as an initial training course or as a work-study course in the 3rd year.

Apprenticeship, a springboard to professionalization

Gain professional experience while undergoing theoretical training provided by teachers and professionals – that’s the solution offered by this training program.

This work-study program meets a strong demand from companies wishing to train operational technicians on completion of their studies.

Bachelor’s program offered on a work-study basis in the 3rd year.

Is it possible to study abroad?

A stay at a partner university in Europe during the 2nd year enables students to improve their level of comprehension and expression in English.

Beyond the purely linguistic aspect, this immersion is a great opportunity for students to open up to other cultures, other ways of thinking and working.

This experience is optional.
Students can choose between a 2-month internship or a stay abroad.

Graduation is conditional on validation:

  • Acquired knowledge at school through continuous assessment and projects.
  • Validation of company experience
  • Passing the RNCP examination (for students in apprenticeship training).  This examination is conducted in front of a title jury authorised by the certifier’s representative. It is made up of professionals in the field for which the qualification is awarded.

    The tests involve:
    • Summary test in a professional situation 40mn
    • Technical interview 45mn
    • Final interview 20mn
    • Questionnaire – 30 min*

* DREETS training: Application Developer and Cybersecurity and Network Administrator

Sectors of activity

Digital services company (ESN or ex-SSII) providing application development services on a contract or fixed-price basis.
User organization, such as a private or public sector company, with a department dedicated to IT design and development.
Freelance computer scientist.

Target professions

  • Application developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Web & Mobile Developer
  • Systems & Network Administrator
  • Cybersecurity Administrator
  • Artificial Intelligence Developer
  • Machine Learning Developer
  • Data Developer
  • DevOps System Administrator
  • Cloud Developer
  • UI Designer
  • Internet Designer and Integrator

Admission to the Bachelor of Computer Science program

Applications are based on a study of academic records and a motivational interview.

  • Submission of your application on our platform
  • Once the application has been completed and validated by the Admissions Department, it will be forwarded to a jury for review.
  • After studying, you will be invited to a motivational interview.
  • Eligibility decision communicated within a few days of interview

Admission to the Bachelor of Computer Science program

Admission process open all year round, excluding Parcoursup.

  • To enter the 1st year, you must be in your final year of secondary school (STI2D, STMG, bac pro technologique).
  • To enter the 2nd year: have a baccalaureate and knowledge of computing and/or digital technology
  • To enter the 3rd year: have a scientific or technological BTS or a technological Bac + 2.

Admissions Contacts

05 57 87 70 74

01 44 39 06 00


04 78 29 77 54


02 30 79 05 73

Bachelor of Computer Science tuition fees
Year 2024/2025

Rates for national students

  • 1st year: 7,350 euros
  • 2nd and 3rd years: 8,600 euros per year
  • 3rd year: possibility of a work-study course – tuition fees paid by the host company

1st year with delayed start (March 4, 2024): 5,200 euros

Rates for international students (from outside Europe)

  • 1st year: 7,840 euros
  • 2nd and 3rd years: 9,090 euros per year

1st year (March 4, 2024): 5,690 euros

Our training courses in figures:

Each year, each apprenticeship training center must make the following available to anyone who requests it:

  • Graduation rate for diplomas or professional titles,
  • Continuation of studies,
  • Interruption rate during training,
  • The professional integration rate of school leavers after completing their training,
  • The added value of the facility.

The termination rate for apprenticeship contracts is also published each year. (Article L6111-8 of the Labour Code)

You can consult them here.

Updated 6 September 2024