Learning to live together
Whatever your disability and your chosen course of study, our engineering school’s disability advisor will provide you with individual support throughout your studies.
He or she will be your contact for information, to help you with administrative procedures, to study with you the specific measures for educational accommodation, etc.
If you are concerned by disability, please contact the COMmission Aménagement de SCOlarité COMASCO by sending an e-mail to commission.amenagement@ece.fr
Please do not provide any documents via this e-mail. The sole purpose of this procedure is to identify you to COMASCO so that you can receive the procedure to follow as soon as the new school year starts.
Schooling arrangements
The ECE is committed to helping its students, whatever their uniqueness, and to giving them all the resources they need to meet the requirements of the engineering diploma. She helps them combine their engineering training with their personal and extra-curricular lives. The school attaches great importance to the success of all its students.
To authorize a special arrangement, the ECE has set up a commission responsible for studying the needs expressed by the student and defining the allocation procedures and the type of individual arrangements to be put in place. This commission guarantees restricted access to personal data. It communicates on the adjustments made without specifying the reasons for these adjustments.
The student concerned must complete an application form tailored to his or her situation, in accordance with specific procedures. They must provide the required documents, which they will forward to the commission via the COMASCO BOOSTCAMP page as soon as the school year begins.
You don’t need to take any steps before the start of the school year, except perhaps to gather the documents you need to justify your situation.

Students with disabilities – ESH
To qualify for ESH status and adapted accommodation, students who make themselves known to COMASCO at the start of the school year will have access to the BOOSTCAMP page, where they can compile a file by providing the following information:
- For students who already had an accommodation before the Bac, they must send their ESH file or theattestation from the rectorat or the attestation of an accommodation for the Bac.
- For students who are eligible, recognitionas a disabled worker by the MDPH in their department (RQTH).
- A medical certificate issued by a doctor specializing in the pathology concerned.
- The accommodation request form, which allows you to specify your needs. This form is to be downloaded from the BOOSTCAMP page once you have registered with the ECE and notified COMASCO, then completed and submitted on the same BOOSTCAMP page.
- The consent form authorizing COMASCO to hold documents containing personal information. COMASCO is not authorized to distribute these documents to partner universities or non-committee members.
- The file may be supplemented by any other information that may help the Commission in its decision-making.
The Commission will decide on acceptance or refusal for each accommodation requested. ESH accommodations are granted until graduation.
Being an engineer and a top-level athlete/artist
Being an engineer and a high level sportsman or artist at ECE is possible! It is even strongly encouraged by the school. ECE offers its students who practice a sport or an artistic activity at a high level the possibility of benefiting from various accommodations enabling them to reconcile their engineering training at ECE with their sporting or artistic passion.
The ECE’s high-level athletes and artists benefit from special arrangements enabling them to adapt their academic career to the regular practice of their sport or artistic activity, always with the aim of successfully meeting the requirements of the engineering diploma.
To benefit from SAHN status and adapted accommodation, students who make themselves known to COMASCO at the start of the school year will have access to the BOOSTCAMP page, where they can compile a file by providing the following information:
- The accommodation request form, which allows you to specify your needs. This form is to be downloaded from the BOOSTCAMP page once you have registered with the ECE and notified COMASCO, then completed and submitted on the same BOOSTCAMP page.
- Club license or certificate indicating level (regional/inter-regional, national or international) for the school year in question.
- Training and competition schedules that are incompatible with ECE activities.
The Commission will decide on acceptance or refusal for each accommodation requested. SAHN accommodations are granted for the current school year and must be renewed each year as needed.
SAHN status entitles you to a BONUS, subject to certain conditions.

Information sheets
For people with disabilities applying to engineering schools
For engineering students with disabilities
Updated 22 November 2024